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Rainbow Bridge / In Memoriam

''Spencer'' - (Solange Lo and Behold, CD, CGC)


SpencerOn February 11, 2001, Spencer flew from Raleigh, NC to Pittsburgh, PA to join our family. We are very grateful to Linda and Rob Nicholas for entrusting us with this lovely red sable boy. After fourteen years of owning only blue merles, it took our eyes a couple of days to adjust to seeing a red furball running through the house with The Bluz Boyz. LOL

Spencer was nine months old when he came to live with us, and at first, Parker and Bentley weren't sure what to make of him.

Things were a little shaky for the first week or so while everyone figured Spencerout what the new pack order would be. When they began to play "the sheltie mouth game" together, I knew that everything was going to be just fine! Now, they play together for hours every day. Tom says that they sound "like a herd of buffalo" when they run through the house during one of their many games of chase.

Spencer has boundless enthusiasm for everything in life, and he is a wonderful ambassador for the sheltie breed. He loves everything and everybody!! He has a particular fondness, however, for belly rubs and long walks through the neighborhood.

Spencer is incredibly limber. He likes to lay on the floor with his two back legs sticking out at a ninety degree angle from his body. We're still trying to capture that on film!! His agility allows him to get into and onto places that Parker and Bentley can only dream about---such as the bathtub and the top of the dog crates. One of his most endearing traits, however, is how he loves to cuddle with us on the couch and the bed. He is very affectionate, and we enjoy that immensely.

FLASH: On April 3 and April 4, 2004, Solange Lo and Behold ("Spencer") earned the last two legs that he needed to complete his CD at the Youngstown All Breed Training Club!

We are so proud of our dreamy-eyed sable boy!! Spencer is the third obedience titlist for CastleGate Shelties and the first obedience titlist for his breeder, Linda Nicholas (Solange Shelties).


Photos of Spencer


Spencer at ten years of age--still gorgeous!!



Chasing rabbits is exhausting work! <G>







Spencer loves a good game of chase!



Lynn & Spencer on the day he finished his CD.



This is Spencer's version of hide and seek. We humor him by pretending that we can't see him. LOL





Spencer (right) with his two sisters Layla (left) and Vida (middle) at 11 weekof age.


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